In Helpdesk you can view customer requests grouped by various criteria. Every user (support team member) is free to choose what kind of requests he needs to view: those requiring response, assigned to that user, requests in whose history that user ever participated, etc. Selection of customer requests by different parameters is possible with the filter feature.
A filter is a set of conditions for request selection. Every time you perform the search you create a “disposable” filter, which goes lost after you have found the request you were looking for and have switched your attention to something else. If you frequently search requests by the same conditions, then it would be more convenient to run the search only once and then save the “disposable” filter as a permanent link in the left sidebar. At any later time, by clicking on that link, you will receive search results by the same criteria which you specified for the first time, and you will not need to enter those criteria manually again.
By what criteria you can search requests
- Request ID. Search by part of a number is not supported, you must enter the full request ID. It usually not necessary to create filters based on the search by request ID, because you cannot find more than one request in this case.
- Client name and Client email. Partially entered names and email addresses are supported.
- Source, State, Assigned to, Actor, Actions. You can select one or more items in each of these option lists. Source is the method of receiving a request in Helpdesk; e.g., Customer Portal, a form on your website, or one of the email addresses of your support service. State: select the states of the requests which you want to view in search results. Assigned to: if you process customer requests together with your colleagues, then this option will be useful for viewing requests assigned to some of your support team staff. Actor: the name of the Helpdesk user who participated in the request processing history. Actions: select the actions performed by the users selected in list “Actor” above. If you need to find requests the selected users performed any actions, then do not select any actions in this list.
- Words. Enter the desired words which you want to find in the subject or the text of a customer request, or in the comments, or in your replies to customer requests:
- Text specified between double quotation marks (") will be searched exactly as entered.
- If no quotation marks are added around the text, then each word will be searched regardless of its order in the text.
- To obtain more search results, enter parts of words instead of whole words.
Adding and setting up filters
If you feel that you may use the results of some search in the future, save your search as a filter.
If you have administrative access rights for the Helpdesk app, then you may create either a personal or a public filter. A personal filter is accessible only for yourself, public filters are available for all Helpdesk users. Users with limited access rights can create only personal filters — for personal use.
Any filters you may create, which you do not need any more, can be deleted in the “Settings” screen (to open it, use a link in the left sidebar). In “Settings” you can also change the order of filters in which they appear in the sidebar.
In addition to custom filters based on manually specified criteria, in the “Settings” screen you can also add several default filters: “all requests”, by state, by assigned users, by sources.
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