How to work with Shop-Script orders in CRM

Shop-Script orders can be linked to CRM deals:

— working on a deal will automatically update an order, and vice versa:
— processing of an order will move a deal to the next stage within a funnel.

It may be convenient when you need extra functionality when working on an order, which is not available in Shop-Script backend with the use of order states and actions. A Shop-Script can pass default states “New” → “Processing” → “Paid” → Sent” → Completed” only once and only in this one direction. On the contrary, a CRM deal can be moved to the same stages any number of times and in any order.

In CRM you can exchange messages with a client and send files to each other. A deal can be assigned a certain person in your team. You can issue and get paid unlimited invoices within each deal. Whenever you need this kind of extra work to complete an order, link an order to a CRM deal.

Linking orders to deals

— manual

Click “Deal in CRM” on order-viewing page in the online store backend.

If you have non-completed deals with the same client in CRM, then you can link an order with those deals. Whichever is the case, you can create a new deal for a Shop-Script order.

— automatically

Set up CRM to create a new deal for every new order obtained via Shop-Script.

Work with deals as usual

When an order gets linked to a deal, the deal shows information about ordered items and has a link to its order.

When you close such a deal, the linked order will be automatically marked as completed or deleted. Other deal stages and order states can also be synchronized with each other, if you set up so as described below.

Synchronizing deal stages with order actions

When a deal is moved to another stage, an order action in Shop-Script can be automatically executed. For example, when you mark a deal as paid, a linked order can be marked so. And it works vice versa, too.

To make things work this way, set up correspondence between funnel stages and order actions in section “Settings → Shop-Script integration → Workflow-Funnel synchronization”.

Repeat the same setup for other funnels, if necessary.

Synchronizing deal completion with order actions

The last, built-in, funnel stage named “Close” does not need to be manually synchronized with Shop-Script order actions. They are linked to each other by default: when you select whether to win or to lose a deal, an linked order is automatically marked as completed or deleted.


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