How to import customers’ contact data into CRM

From a spreadsheet file or an online storage

You can import contact data of your customers from a previous storage where you may have kept them — in another software; e.g., an Excel or iWork file or an online service similar to Webasyst CRM. CSV files and tables of data copied as text can be imported into CRM.

1. Export contact data from a previous storage

Find a CSV file export function in your previous contact storage software or online service. If available, select UTF-8 text encoding, and either comma or semicolon, or tabs as data separators during export. Save the exported file on your computer.

If there is no export function, find a way to display all customers’ data on one page as a table you can copy them from. Select the table and copy its contents to the clipboard; e.g., using keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.

2. Import data into CRM

In CRM app open section “Admin → Import contacts”.

Import an import option: from a file or as copied text.

Import from a file

Example of a CSV file with contacts data

Select the encoding and the value separator of your file. If you do not know them, keep default values.

Select the exported file and click “Import”.

Import from copied text

Paste the copied table contents into the provided text field. Select data separator “Tab”, and click “Import”.

3. Select contact fields

A table will show the list of detected columns and rows in your file or copied text. Select contact properties available in your CRM for each of the columns.

If necessary, enable extra functions:

  • Import first line: enable if you have customer data in the very first row and not column captions. If you have column captions in the first row, keep this option disabled.
  • Enable validation control: automatically skip rows with repeating identification data and data specified in incorrect formats.
  • Create deals: a new deal will be created for each of the imported contacts. Select a funnel and a stage for new deals.
  • Add to segments: select segments you would like imported contacts to be added into. Create a new segment to keep the list of imported contacts for future reference.

Done! Upon the import completion, a page will open to show you all imported contacts.

If you had not enabled option “Add to segments” during import, then you have the last chance to do so on this final page. Select imported contacts, then select “Add to segments” at the top, and select any existing segment or create a new one.


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