Hypermarket design theme: beginner’s manual

Design theme family “Hypermarket” was designed to be used for online stores powered by Shop-Script. Supported are also Site, Blog, Photos, Hub, Helpdesk, and Mailer apps, which are used to add auxiliary section to an online storefront and the customer account.

“Hypermarket” is best for online stores with large product catalogs.

Use on various devices

“Hypermarket” design themes have been tested on desktop computers and tablets. For customers who would like to access your store via smartphones, we recommend to install “Mobile” design theme and to select it in apps’ route settings in Site’s “Structure” section.

Design setup

Each of the apps that “Hypermarket” theme supports, except for Mailer, has a design theme settings page. At its very beginning, theme’s common settings are listed, which are provided by Site app. It is so because the parent theme within the family was developed for Site app.

At the end of this common settings list, the settings of a specific app are displayed, in whose design editor you are currently are.

Example for Blog

Main menu setup

The website’s main menu setting is available in section “Settings → {$wa->apps()} menu” in Site app’s backend:

  • select option “All settled apps” if you want that the main menu is automatically generated according to the apps’ routing rules (settlements) available in Site’s “Structure” section, or
  • select option “Set up manually”, if you want to edit, add or remove individual menu items by giving them custom names and saving arbitrary URLs to them.

Authorization and customer account setup

To enable your customers to sign up and sign in to their personal account on your website, enable authorization in “Personal” section of Site app.

From the point of view of its internal design, “Hypermarket” theme is built around an online storefront. Therefore, it would be most convenient to select Shop-Script as the app responsible for customer signup and authorization in “Personal → Auth & Sign Up settings” section.

Internal design

“Hypermarket” theme’s main files, HTML template index.html and core CSS styles, are stored in the design theme developed for Site app and are linked to other apps’ themes.


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