Send your marketing emails to the limited audience who would be willing to read them. Do not send them to your entire customer database to avoid that most of them unsubscribe from your mailings and do not want to deal with you any more.
Precisely defined lists of recipients for marketing emails can be created using CRM app. If it is installed in your account, then you can see the “CRM segments” link on the recipients-selection step in Mailer.

Segments are customer lists specially selected by various criteria; e.g.:
- bought iPhone this summer
- women who bought Bleu de CHANEL and subscribed to news emails
- bought anything in your online store
- men of 35 years age or below living in [city name]
- those who received your previous mailings and have not unsubscribed
- those who posted comments in your blog
- those who sent you support requests within latest 3 months
How to create segments in CRM
- Open advanced contacts search.
- On the left, select fields by which you want to select recipients.
- On the right, specify values for those fields to narrow your search.
- Run the search and save its results as a segment.
Now this new segment is available in Mailer app. Select it to send a bulk email to recipients matching the defined criteria.

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