If you collaborate with your teammates on your customers database using the CRM app then it might be convenient to limit users’ access rights so that each of you manages a certain part of work and does not interfere with the others.
To set up user access rights, go to “Team → Selected user’s profile → Access → CRM” (click the access rights button on the right).

If a user must not have full access to all functions of the CRM then select the “Limited access” option.

Enable access to the functions and backend sections which a user is supposed to work with.
- Can edit or delete contacts added by other users (in the Contacts section).
- Access to funnels: select the deal funnels to which a user must have access in the Deals section and the allowed access level for each funnel.
- No access (a user cannot view or manage deals),
- Only own deals (a user can view and manage only the deals for which they are assigned as the responsible user),
- Own and unassigned deals (a user can view and manage the deals for which they are assigned as the responsible user or for which no responsible user is assigned),
- Full access (a user can view and manage all deals of the selected funnel).
- Access to vaults: select the vaults to whose contacts a user must have access in the Contacts section.
- Can manage invoices: a user can view and manage invoices in the Invoices section.
- Access to calls: a user can listen to recorded phone calls and view related information in the Calls section.
- Access to conversations: a user can chat with customers by email, via social networks and online messengers in the Messages section.
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