Conversations with customers in CRM

To view messages from your customers, open the Messages section.

Click on a message in the list to view its contents.

On a message-viewing page you can see the customer’s message text and send a reply.

How to receive messages from customers

You can receive messages from various sources—by email, from social media and via online messengers. An individual message source for each case must be set up as described below:

  1. Go to section Settings → Deal sources.
  2. Select a message source—Email or Messengers.
  3. Proceed to adding a new message source via a link on a selected tab.
  4. Set up connection to the source using these guidelines:

Done! After the setup is completed, you will start receiving messages via the corresponding sources and will be able to reply to your customers’ inquiries while staying within your CRM.

Assignment of responsible users

If you collaborate with your teammates to reply to customers’ messages then it it might be useful to select a responsible user for each message. To do so, use the Set the owner link at the top-right on a message-viewing page.

A selected user will be considered responsible for replying to all inquiries of that customer. All messages assigned to a certain responsible user can be viewed by means of a filter.

Message filter

You can view messages by certain selected parameters using a filter:

  • by sending direction,
  • by sending method,
  • by responsible user’s name.

Viewing of message chains

If a customer has sent you several messages via one source; e.g., all by email or all via Telegram, then all such messages from the same source can be viewed as a common chain on one page. Your replies to those messages will also be displayed within that chain. To use this mode, click the Minimize by conversations button at the top-right.

If the other mode, All messages, is used then each incoming message is shown separately in the list. You can view each message in a pop-up dialog with an option to open the full conversation if necessary.

Connecting conversations to deals

Each customer message can be linked to a deal. To do so, use the Associate with a deal link in the message list.

Or use a similar link on a message-viewing page.


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