Creating an email campaign from scratch

  1. Open the Mailer app.
  2. Click the New campaign button.
  3. Select the Blank option.
  4. Enter a message subject in the editor field.
  5. Click the Title block and type your own title text.
  6. Click the Save button.
    In the Drafts section on the left your new message’s subject will appear. You can click on it any time to continue editing your message draft.
  7. Add something else to your message; e.g., a text block.
    The message editor works with various blocks that are highlighted with colored borders. With a solid red border is highlighted the block you are currently working with. With a dashed red border is selected the block over which your mouse cursor is located; click on it to make it highlighted with a solid border — it will show you that you are now working with this other block. You can edit it: enter text, upload images, add buttons and other elements.
    Now click the block with the “Text” caption and type something different.
  8. Add an image block:
    1. Find a place for your image. The message editor always adds a new block below the one you are currently working with. Click the area above the title to add a solid red border to the block with a title and the recently added text as shown in the picture.
    2. Click the [+] icon in the editor toolbar.
    3. A pop-up area with the list of available blocks will appear. Select the Image block.
    4. A new block will be added to your message, with a new image uploading area. There two ways ot add an image to this block:
      • Drag & drop: use your mouse to drag an image file from your desktop or a folder onto this block.
      • Uploading: by a link or from a file on your computer. Click the icon in the editor toolbar and upload an image.
      An image will be uploaded and will appear in the provided place in the message editor.
  9. Use the same procedure to add and edit any number of various blocks that you may need.
  10. Once you have finished editing, click the Save button. The message is ready for sending!

Now you need to select recipients and send your message — click Next.


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