Files uploaded into the Files app can be accessed either only by yourself or also by other users, as well as website visitors, according to your setup. Below is provided a detailed description of the access rights setup for files and folders.
Access to storages
Access to individual files depends on the storages in which they are located. The list of storages is available in the sidebar of your Files app. You can select one of the following access levels for a storage:
- personal (only you can access files)
- everyone (all users of your Webasyst account can access files)
- limited (only selected users and/or user groups can access files)
After you change access level for a storage from "personal" to "everyone" or "limited", you cannot change it back to "personal". This change assumes that your personal files, once made public, cannot be made personal again if already accessed by other persons.
Access to subfolders
Access rights to a subfolders are defined by the access rights set up for an entire storage. Additionally, you can extend access right fo individual subfolders within a storage as explained below.
1. If a storage has access level "personal", then access level of its subfolders can be extended to "limited", i.e. you can share any personal file with your teammates.
Access rights setup options for such subfolders can be briefly described as follows:
Personal → Limited
2. If a storage has access level "limited", i.e. for selected users or user groups, then access level to its subfolders can be extended to apply to more users or user groups, to widen the range of persons having access to them.
Access rights setup options for such subfolders can be briefly described as follows:
Limited → Limited (extended)
3. If a storage has access level "everyone", then the entire contents of the storage is always accessible to all users in your account. It is the widest access level possible.
Access rights setup options for such subfolders can be briefly described as follows:
Everyone → [there is no way to extend access level for subfolders in such storages even further]
Access to files
The basic access level of individual files depends on the storages and subfolders they are contained in. For each file, you can extend the access permissions exactly as you can do it for subfolders in a storage.
Public access to files for website visitors
By default, no files stored in your account are accessible from outside, i.e. to non-authorized backend users or website visitors.
However, you can make selected subfolders and files available to general public; e.g., via a link which other people can use to download your files. You can send such links to a friend by email or via an instant messenger.
Public access can be provided only for a subfolder or a file. Entire storages cannot be published to be accessed by non-authorized users.
To publish a file or a subfolder, open it in Files and app and click on the "Share" link. Create a link to the file or subfolder and use it to give any people access to them; e.g., to website visitors.
If you want to make the contents of a subfolder (rather than a single file) accessible to general public, then you also have the option to publish the contents of a subfolder in the form of a table on any page of your site. Read more about file folder publishing.
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